By Title

The Annunciation to Mary (Luke 1:26-38)

The Birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25)
Baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17)
Be Bold, Have No Fear (Matthew 10:24-39)
Bartimaeus calls out to Jesus (Mark 10:46-52)
The Boy Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52)
The Baptism of Jesus (Luke 3:15-22)
The Beginning of Jesus’ ministry (Luke 4:14-21)
Breakfast on the Beach (John 21:1-19)

City on a Hill (Matthew 5:13-20)
Commissioning of the Disciples (Matthew 28:16-20)
Calling of Simon and Andrew, James and John (Mark 1:14-20)
Cleansing of a man with an unclean spirit (Mark 1:21-28)
The Cost of Discipleship (Mark 8:31-38)
The Cost of discipleship (Luke 14:25-33)
The Coming of the Son of Man (Luke 21:25-36)
Calling of Philip and Nathanael (John 1:43-51)
The Commandment to Love One Another (John 15:9-17)

Difficult Teachings (Matthew 5:21-37)
Don’t Worry About Your Life (Matthew 6:24-34)
Discussions and Healings (Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26)
Dealing with Conflict (Matthew 18:15-20)
Discussion about Forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35)
Discussion about Authority (Matthew 21:23-32)
Discussion about What Really Defiles (Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (1-23))
Deny Yourself, Take Up Your Cross, and Follow Me (Mark 8:27-38)
Discussion About Divorce and Blessing of Children (Mark 10:2-16)
The Destruction of the Temple Foretold (Luke 21:5-19)
Discussion After the Miraculous Feeding (John 6:24-35)

Escape to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-23)
The Execution of John the Baptist (Mark 6:14-29)
Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood (John 6:51-58)

Feeding of 5000 (Matthew 14:13-21)
The First Will Be Last and the Last Will Be First (Mark 9:30-37)
Faith of a mustard seed saying (Luke 17:5-10)

The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:34-46)

Healing of Canaanite Woman’s Daughter (Matthew 15:10-20, 21-28)
Healing of a Man with Leprosy (Mark 1:40-45)
Healing of Jarius’ Daughter and the Woman with Hemorrhages (Mark 5:21-43)
Humility and Hospitality (Luke 14:1, 7-14)
Healing of a Man Born Blind (John 9:1-41)
High Priestly Prayer (John 17:6-19)

Isaiah’s Prophesy and John’s Proclamation (Mark 1:1-8)

Jesus Calls the First Disciples (Matthew 4:12-23)
John the Baptist (Matthew 11:2-11)
Jesus Walks on Water (Matthew 14:22-33)
Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection (Matthew 16:21-28)
Jesus’ Enters Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11)
Jesus Rebukes the Scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 23:1-12)
Judgment of the Nations (Matthew 25:31-46)
Jesus’ Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10)
Jesus’ Baptism and Testing (Mark 1:9-15)
John the Baptist and Jesus’ Baptism by John (Mark 1:1-11)
Jesus’ Teachings and Miracles (Mark 1:29-39)
Jesus Casts Out an Unclean Spirit, Disagreement with the Scribes (Mark 3:20-35)
Jesus Calms a Windstorm (Mark 4:35-41)
Jesus Heals a Syrophonecian Woman’s Daughter (Mark 7:24-37)
James and John Argue Over the Best Place (Mark 10:35-45)
Jesus Enters Jerusalem (Mark 11:1-11)
Jesus Teaches His Disciples About True Giving (Mark 12:38-44)
Jesus Warns About the Wars to Come (Mark 13:1-8)
Jesus’ Purification and Destiny Foretold in the Temple (Luke 2:22-40)
John and the “Brood of Vipers” (Luke 3:7-18)
Jesus Calls His First Disciples (Luke 5:1-11)
Jesus Heals a Slave (Luke 7:1-10)
Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son at Nain (Luke 7:11-17)
Jesus Heals the Gerasene Demoniac (Luke 8:26-39)
Jesus Visits Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42)
Jesus the Cause of Division (Luke 12:49-56)
Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman (Luke 13:10-17)
Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)
Jesus and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10)
Jesus Appears to the Disciples (Luke 24:36b-48)
Jesus is the Fulfillment of the Law (Luke 24:44-53)
John and the Levites and Priests (John 1:6-8, 19-28)
Jesus and Nicodemus Meet in the Night (John 3:1-21)
Jesus and the Woman of Samaria (John 4:5-42)
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath (John 5:1-9)
Jesus Feeds a Large Crowd, Then Walks on Water (John 6:1-21)
Jesus is the Bread of Life (John 6:35, 41-51)
Jesus the Good Shepherd (John 10:1-10)
Jesus is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18)
Jesus is Rejected by Some (John 10:22-30)
Jesus Enters Jerusalem (John 12:12-16)
Jesus Speaks About His Coming Death (John 12:20-33)
Jesus the Way to the Father (John 14:1-14)
Jesus Promises the Advocate (John 14:15-21)
Jesus, the True Vine (John 15:1-8)
Jesus Talks About the Advocate (John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15)
Jesus Prays for His Disciples (John 17:1-11)
Jesus Prays that they Might Be One (John 17:20-26)
Jesus’ Trial Before Pilate (John 18:33-37)
John’s Resurrection Narrative (John 20:1-18)
Jesus Appears to the Disciples (John 20:19-31)


Love Your Enemies and Pray for Them (Matthew 5:38-48)
The Laborers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16)
The Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:1-13)
Lament Over Jerusalem (Luke 13:31-35)
Luke’s Passion Narrative (Luke 23:1-49)
Luke’s Resurrection Narrative (Luke 24:1-12)
Lamb of God (John 1:29-42)
Living Water (John 7:37-39)

Mustard Seed Parable (Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52)
Mary Visits Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45)
Mission of the Seventy (Luke 10:1-11, 16-20)
More About the Bread of Life (John 6:56-69)
Mary Anoints Jesus (John 12:1-8)
More About the Spirit of Truth (John 16:12-15)

The Need to Watch (Matthew 24:36-44)
Nicodemus Visits Jesus (John 3:1-17)
The New Commandment to Love One Another (John 13:31-35)


Proclamation of John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-12)
Parable of the Two Houses (Matthew 7:21-29)
Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)
The Parable of Weeds Among the Wheat (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43)
Peter’s Declaration About Jesus (Matthew 16:13-20)
Parable of the Wicked Tenants (Matthew 21:33-46)
Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Matthew 22:1-14)
Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids (Matthew 25:1-13)
Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30)
The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus (Matthew 26:1-27:66)
Pilate Trial and Crucifixion (Matthew 27:11-54)
Parables About the Kingdom (Mark 4:26-34)
The People Follow Jesus and He Shows Them Compassion (Mark 6:30-34, 53-56)
The Proclamation of John the Baptist (Luke 3:1-6)
Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21)
Parable of the Barren Fig Tree (Luke 13:1-9)
Parable of the Great Feast (Luke 14:15-24)
Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-10)
Parable of the Dishonest Manager (Luke 16:1-13)
Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge (Luke 18:1-8)
Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14)
Prelude (John 1:1-18)
Prelude (John 1:10-18)
Prophesy and Temple Demonstration (Luke 19:41-48)
Philip Asks to See the Father (John 14:8-17)
Promise of the Holy Spirit (John 14:23-29)
Pentecost (Acts 2:1-21 – Year A or Year C)

Question About Paying Taxes (Matthew 22:15-22)
Questions About the Resurrection (Luke 20:27-38)
Question of Which Commandment is the Greatest (Mark 12:28-34)

The Raising of Lazarus (John 11:1-45 (11:32-44))
The Reality of the Kingdom (Mark 10:17-31)
The Reality of a Prophets Ability to Affect Change in their Hometown (Mark 6:1-13)
Relationship Between Jesus and His Culture (Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30)
Resurrection (Mark 16:1-8)
The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)

A Samaritan Village Refuses to Receive Jesus (Luke 9:51-62)
Sayings of Jesus (Luke 4:21-30)
Sending the Disciples Out (Matthew 9:35-10:8)
Sermon on the Mount (Blessings) (Matthew 5:1-12)
The Sign Above Jesus During the Crucifixion (Luke 23:33-43)
Signs of the Coming of the Son of Man (Mark 13:24-37)
A “Sinful” Woman Forgiven (Luke 7:36-8:3)
The Story of Jesus’ Birth (Luke 2:1-20)

Temple Demonstration (John 2:13-22)
Temple Demonstration (Mark 11:15-19)
Temptation of Jesus (Luke 4:1-13, Matthew 4:1-11)
Transfiguration (Luke 9:28-36, Mark 9:2-9, Matthew 17:1-9)
Those Who are not Against Us are for Us (Mark 9:38-50)


Visit of the Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)

Walk to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)
The Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-11)
Welcoming the Prophets (Matthew 10:40-42)
Where Your Treasure is, There Your Heart is Also (Luke 12:32-40)




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