News: May 2014

2014 Festival Gathering
Network of Biblical Storytellers

The keynote speaker this year is noted Christian educator Vicki Garvey from the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago. Her theme is “Teaching the Story in a New Era.” In addition to hearing this fabulous “of the moment” Christian Educator, you can also rub shoulders with some of the best biblical scholars in the world, enjoy hands-on workshops for every level of storyteller from beginner to master, experience deep-well worship, hear an epic telling of the Gospel of Matthew, and enjoy the best fellowship you’ll ever find at a conference. CEU Credits are available. The Festival Gathering is August 6-9 at Ridgecrest Conference Center just east of Asheville, NC. Click here for more info and to register.

Resource for Children & Family Ministries

by Rev. Amelia Boomershine

05_sheepI have been showing The Storykeepers to children for 15 years because in my opinion it is the best audio-visual resource available for the spiritual growth of children. As Director of Children’s Ministries I used it regularly at our church for Sunday school, VBS, mid-week Kids’ Club, and on occasion as part of Children’s Moments during the worship service. I also used it in community ministry for an afterschool program at our neighborhood school and as a summer camp program with the YMCA. I give away sample episodes at every opportunity.

The Storykeepers is engaging and relational. It is pastorally, historically and theologically sound, teaching Gospel stories and church history with authenticity. Perhaps most importantly, children pay attention because it speaks their language. They always delight inThe Storykeepers, and so do adult helpers. No matter how many times I watch an episode, I always enjoy it. Like biblical stories themselves, Storykeepers videos only improve with familiarity.

“The Storykeepers” Online

Late last month GoTell assisted Ross Coad of Coad Media to produce a promotional site for an animated video series called The Storykeepers. GoTell has partnered with Coad Media since 1999 writing several curricula to accompany the series. First it was delivered by videocassette, next by DVD, and now the goal is to make it available online. EmailĀ if you would like information about purchasing the full DVD set with curriculum, since online availability is not yet available.

Click videos below to view Ross, GoTell, and children talking about The Storykeepers and the goal to get it online.

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