News: August 2010

Tell a Story; Sponsor a Story!

Tell a Story; Sponsor a Story!


We have nearly completed all the story pages for every Gospel story in the three-year lectionary cycle. These pages are accessed either by clicking on the “Narratives” tab (listed by Gospel text reference) or “Lections” tab (listed by date).

SO! We invite you to choose your favorite story, or one you have learned and told, or one you would like to learn this year. And then, when you’ve made your choice, go to our Sponsor-a-Story page, make a donation ($20/story would asssure that we meet our goal) and write the bibical text reference in the Comments section of the page.

We’ll put your name on the story page, and be very grateful for your support!

Here is the link for Sponsor-a-Story:

New writing on Christian Peacemaking

“Christian Perspectives on Peacemaking” by Tom Boomershine (pdf)

2011 International Biblical Storytelling Teaching Missions Planned: West Africa and Cambodia

GoTell is planning a return trip to West Africa with other members of the Network of Biblical Storytellers in March of 2011. Under the leadership of Juliana Rowe, Tom and Amelia travelled to The Gambia in March, 2008 with a dozen others under NBS sponsorship. As a result, a guild has been formed and Gambians have participated in Festival Gatherings 2008, 2009 and 2010. We look forward to a return trip which will be somewhat longer and take us further into the region. For more about biblical storytelling in the Gambia visit that section of the GoTell site; click here…

Also in the planning stages is a trip to Cambodia in October of 2011. This two-week mission builds on the foundation of relationships and teaching done by Elizabeth and Tom Rand who travelled to Cambodia in 2008 and 2009 respectively. GoTell has been in consultation with the Rand’s and with members of the Cambodia Methodist Bible School which has invited us all to come teach biblical storytelling. We look forward to this opportunity to share our love of the stories and witness God’s spirit at work in Southeast Asia. For more about biblical storytelling in Cambodia visit that section of the GoTell site; click here…

We would greatly appreciate your prayer support as we plan for these two mission journeys. We also ask if you are able, to make a financial contribution to GoTell in support of our travel and teaching. Your tax-exempt donation would be mailed to:
GoTell Communications, Inc.
620 W. Nottingham Rd.
Dayton, OH 45405

Cloud of Witnesses Tells Hebrews 11


Grace by Heart told Hebrews 11 as a “mini-epic” on August 8, 2010. This scripture by heart group has been telling the scriptures in Sunday morning worship every week for 2-1/2 years. Learn more about scripture by heart (and get started if you haven’t already) by visiting the Scripture by Heart Resources section of our site.

NBS Festival Gathering 2011

August rolls around and we are off to the annual Festival Gathering of the Network of Biblical Storytellers, as well as the Scholar’s Seminar which precedes it. It’s always a highlight of our year as we gather with old friends and new to tell and hear the stories of God and to discover more about ourselves, story, and how the Spirit is at work in our world. We teach, learn, celebrate, cry, laugh and oh yes, we eat a lot of good food. It all happens on a mountainside retreat center outside Asheville, North Carolina.

Here’s hoping you might join us next year! For info, visit the NBS site.

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