News: September 2008

Learning the Stories by Heart Telling the Stories with Joy

Learning the Stories by Heart
Telling the Stories with Joy

Scripture By Heart Course Premieres in Dayton

This Fall GoTell is sponsoring a new course called “Scripture By Heart” and Tom is teaching a diverse group of participants from a wide range of Christian faith traditions. They meet at Shiloh Church on Monday evenings Sept 22-Oct 27.

The purpose of this course is to enable each participating local church to have the scriptures recited by heart in worship every week by a committed and trained team of laity and clergy. Hearing the Scripture recited by heart focuses the attention of the congregation and increases its engagement with the Scriptures of the day. Learning and reciting the Scriptures by heart requires careful preparation by those who provide this ministry of telling the Word. As a result, both the teller and the listeners experience a deeper intellectual and emotional encounter with the Scripture. This practice generates new spiritual energy for the worshipping community.

The three people shown above were all members of the 2007-08 Scripture By Heart ministry at Grace United Methodist Church in Dayton. This ministry was developed by GoTell in partnership with Senior Pastor Rev. Marla E. Brown (top right) who is a GoTell board member. Rev Brown has since been appointed District Superintendent in N. Ohio. Her successor, Rev. Sherry L. Gale, PhD is continuing strong leadership of the Scripture By Heart ministry at Grace Church.

Grace and peace,

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