News: December 2007

"Forming" by Cortney L. Haley

“Forming” by Cortney L. Haley

Here in Dayton, Ohio we had our first snow of the year. Today the sun is out and it’s quite beautiful. A good day to be at the computer, though, not running around outside. It’s a mere 9 degrees (F). Hope it’s warmer where you are.

Along with the first snow came the first “story pages” of this site. Depending on whether you like to look up particular biblical texts or whether you follow the lectionary, you access them through the Narratives section of the site, or the Lections section. This year most of the stories will be from the gospels of Matthew or John.

Here’s more detail about what you’ll find…

Narrative Users: In this section of the site, storylearning resources will be accessed by books of the Bible. We’ll provide graphics, audio tellings and audio commentary for each biblical story. During 2007-2008 the narratives chosen will be from the Gospel lections. Starting in 2009 we will work our way through Mark, adding stories that were not covered by the three-year lectionary cycle. We will add pages for select Hebrew Bible (“Old Testament”) stories as well.

Lectionary Users: Lectionary texts will be added a month at a time, starting with Year A for Sunday, Dec. 2, 2007. We’ll provide graphics, audio tellings and audio commentary for each Gospel lection. We plan to work through Year A, B, and C by December 2008.

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