News: April 2016

04-07-16_birdBreath of Fresh Air

Agreement to Publish

Amelia has contracted with Wipf & Stock Publishers to publish Breath of Fresh Air: Circle of the Word Behind Locked Doors. This book is based on Amelia’s doctoral research on spiritual empowerment through biblical storytelling with incarcerated men and women. A manuscript is due for submission July 15. It will be published under the Cascade Books imprint.

Telling Isaiah 42

Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, PA

Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, PA

Thirty years ago the Lord nudged me into taking the scriptures seriously with regard to peace and justice. One of the first studies I did focused on the “suffering servant” passages in the book of Isaiah. This was before I began internalizing scripture. Now I have an opportunity to revisit Isaiah 42:1-9, this time learning it by heart. I will tell it in a worship service on April 30 at Trinity Homes in Beavercreek, Ohio. The occasion for my telling is a meeting of the Southwest Ohio Northern Kentucky Association of the UCC.

This time around engaging Isaiah 42, I am struck by connections to the issues around mass incarceration that have arisen in the thirty years since I first encountered it. God’s on-going passion to “bring forth justice” has new meaning in this context. The work of telling and teaching scripture by heart in the jails and prisons of our communities directly reflects the servant’s mission to “bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness.”

Eastern State Penitentiary wants to know how you really feel about mass incarceration: READ MORE

Amelia Boomershine, D.Min.

Story Keepers at GoTell

04-08-16_storykeepers204-08-16_storykeepers1GoTell has partnered with Coad Media for twenty years to promote and develop resources for The Story Keepers. Story Keepers is still, in our opinion, the best audiovisual resource available for children to convey biblical stories, early Christian history, and the way of Jesus. We think every church and home should have a full set of the 13 half-hour episodes. Contact us if you would like to learn more about or purchase a Story Keepers set.

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