August 2021

“Absalom, Absalom” A story of grief told by Linnea Good

Linnea has many incredible videos of scripture tellings and music. Visit her YouTube channel.We also recommend you visit her website with its rich store of resources for both music and

Bread from Heaven

We’ve been four weeks in the Gospel of John, Chapter 6, following the lectionary. Saturday during the Virtual Festival Gathering of the Network of Biblical Storytellers we got a call that our new pastor was in the hospital, asking if Tom could preach the next day. He agreed. Since our church now follows the lectionary (thanks to our new pastor) and we’ve been doing lectionary stories every week for “Monday with Jesus” on YouTube, it wasn’t too hard to fill the gap. Below this picture of Tom presiding over Holy Communion is a photo of James Clay telling the “Bread from Heaven II”story (John 6: 35, 41-51). Tom will fill in next week, too, and then hopefully our pastor will be back. We miss him!

“I am the bread of life”

James “Battle Tested Clay” tells the scripture at Grace UMC Dayton on August 8.

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