January 2023

Monday with Jesus

Each Monday we email a message with resources for the upcoming Sunday Gospel story as designated by the Revised Common Lectionary, including a link to a YouTube video of the story being told, followed by casual Q&A commentary. If you want to be on the elist to receive “Monday with Jesus” emails, send me a message: amelia@gotell.org 

Feb 3-5 Festival of Biblical Storytelling 2023

Tom and I will both be leading workshops at this online event. Join us! For details about the program and to register visit the Network of Biblical Storytellers Canada.

A New Year

The new year has arrived. Tom ushered it in on Sunday, January 1, telling the story of the visit of the three magi at Grace United Methodist Church in Dayton, Ohio. We were personally blessed with a visit, too: good friends of many years and fellow biblical storytellers, Linda and Adam Bartholomew.

Tom telling Matthew 2:1-12
Linda, Tom, Adam on Jan. 1, 2023
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