August 2023

Great Disappointment–Darn that COVID!

After months of planning, prepping, and looking forward to our favorite event of the year, Tom and I both came down with COVID last week. So instead of being in Baltimore with some of the most wonderful people in the world (biblical storytellers) for the NBSI Seminar and Festival Gathering, we are home in Dayton feeling sorry for ourselves. Okay, it could be worse, and happily this too will pass, but really, couldn’t that virus have come a week earlier?! I guess it might have struck while traveling and that would be worse. Anyway, there’s Zoom for this year, and hopes for in person next year.

Hope you are healthy and not part of the current COVID surge.

Monday with Jesus

Each Monday we email a message with resources for the upcoming Sunday Gospel story as designated by the Revised Common Lectionary, including a link to a YouTube video of the story being told, followed by casual Q&A commentary. If you want to be on the elist to receive “Monday with Jesus” emails, send me a message: 

Our YouTube channel is GoTellStory. Search on the scripture text reference to find the video you want. Some date back to May 2020 when we started this project during the pandemic.

Here is a sample of “Monday with Jesus” on the story of Jesus walking on the water from Matthew 14. This was produced during the great isolation of 2020 when COVID was more lethal than today.