About the Author

Amelia Boomershine

October 2023

Publication and Podcast

Tom’s most recent publication, First-Century Gospel Storytellers and Audiences:  The Gospels as Performance Literature, is the subject of a recent interview of Tom on the New Books Network.  You can learn more and hear the interview here.  Congratulations, Tom!

Sacred Stories in Jail: Hebrew Midwives Defy Pharaoh

Hebrew midwives defied the order of Pharaoh to kill every boy baby born to the Hebrews.

This month we continue the story of Exodus in Sacred Stories circle. Members of the H.O.P.E. Ministries group based at Grace United Methodist Church in Dayton, Ohio facilitate this weekly class for women at the Montgomery County Jail. Sacred Stories is a safe space for creative engagement with stories from the biblical tradition. We ended chapter one of Exodus with the powerful story of ancient “civil disobedience” exercised by brave Hebrew midwives named Shiprah and Puah.

Introducing Scripture by Heart to Cincinnati-Area Churches

GoTell is leading a four-session introduction to “Scripture by Heart” on Tuesday nights in October. The mini-course is takes place at Armstrong Chapel in suburban Cincinnati and includes persons from other faith communities in the area. Goals are to:

  • Explore the origins of the Bible in the telling of stories
  • Deepen your relationship with God
  • Develop a ministry of scripture telling for worship
  • Have fun! Biblical storytelling is a source of energy and joy

Monday with Jesus

Each Monday we email a message with resources for the upcoming Sunday Gospel story as designated by the Revised Common Lectionary, including a link to a YouTube video of the story being told, followed by casual Q&A commentary. If you want to be on the elist to receive “Monday with Jesus” emails, send me a message: amelia@gotell.org 

Our YouTube channel is GoTellStory. Search on the scripture text reference to find the video you want. Some date back to May 2020 when we started this project during the pandemic.

Above is a sample “Monday with Jesus” on the Jesus’ parable of the wedding banquet from Matthew 22.