About the Author

Amelia Boomershine

December 2022

SBL 2022 in Denver

In November we attended the 2022 Social of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, held in the Denver Convention Center. Besides attending sessions and reuniting with friends we enjoy browsing the large book display with its great discounts. It’s a special treat when Tom has a new book out, as he does this year. Here he is happy to find his latest at the Wipf & Stock display: First Century Gospel Storytellers and Audiences (front and center).

Wipf & Stock display at SBL 2022

Tom presented a paper this year in one of the Mark sessions. Here he is listening to another presenter…

Presenters at Seminar on Mark’s Passion Narrative, SBL 2022

Augsburg Bible Study: Stories Told Online

Want examples of biblical storytelling, or to experience scriptures told by heart? A playlist developed by Phil Ruge-Jones has 91 stories so far! I did #87 for a series called “The Righteous Reign.” Below is info on the program of Bible study and how to access it. Something you might consider for yourself or your church.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America’s publishing house (Augsburg Fortress) has a subscription based Bible study that includes videos by gifted biblical storytellers. The videos are available to the public at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyGqSCYR2c6ohlfUQ7RxIiIEgOFSFw_DZ and the print content can be ordered from https://www.augsburgfortress.org/store/product/ABS+LDR+G/Augsburg-Adult-Bible-Studies-Leader-Guide-Standing-Order.

With hope,