About the Author

Amelia Boomershine

November 2021

Monday with Jesus: Out of Her Poverty

Each Monday we email a message with resources for the upcoming Sunday Gospel story as designated by the Revised Common Lectionary. It includes a link to a YouTube video of the story being told followed by casual commentary. Below is a link to the video for Sunday, November 7 (Mark 12:38-44).

This passage includes the story of a poor widow whose sacrificial giving was noticed and affirmed by Jesus. I taught this story twice in Guatemala, in Spanish (with much help from a translator), so it holds special meaning for me. The second time was with a group of women who had formed a sewing coop to support themselves. They had all been widowed by a brutal civil war. The connections to this story for them were very real. What they most appreciated about learning it was our time of connecting with their stories of generous women they knew. They said it was so wonderful to focus on something positive and good in their lives.

If you want to be on the elist to receive the “Monday with Jesus” emails, send me a message: amelia@gotell.org

Midnight Oil Productions and Giving Your All

In 2000 Tom and I went to Dallas with Jason Moore and Len Wilson to start a production company and an educational program for digital culture ministries. It was called Lumicon Digital Productions and was part of UMR Communications. Jason and Len went on to form Midnight Oil Productions, now owned and operated by Jason, who is currently on the GoTell Board.

Jason is an expert in his field, creative, fun, and a profoundly faithful disciple of Jesus. Like the widow in Mark’s Gospel, Jason gives his all. We highly recommend his services for churches: speaking, production, consultation, graphic design, writing, and media resources. Be sure to check out the website for Midnight Oil Productions.

During our Lumicon days, we created resources for churches who follow the lectionary. One of my favorites was inspired by the story of the widow who offered “everything she had.” Here is the slightly revised version (with different music than the original).

Tell the story,