About the Author

Amelia Boomershine

July 2021

“Pondering the Story”

Tom and I started “Monday with Jesus” over a year ago when we wanted a way to tell and teach during the pandemic. Happily, we’ve heard from people around the country who’ve watched. This March, when we were still sheltering at home, Elaine Davies wrote us with a kind expression of appreciation and news of what she and her husband Richard had been up to during the pandemic. Elaine and Richard are longtime biblical storytelling friends and Network of Biblical Storytellers leaders. In her message, Elaine told us how she had been sharing the stories:

During shut down here, I have done a monthly zoom Bible Storytelling for those in our retirement community who sign up. I call it “pondering the story”.  I tell, then give some context and have open-ended questions to get group discussion going.  Before we conclude, I ask for personal, here and now connections. Sometimes we have time to hear the story retold.

Sounds good to me!

Richard’s pandemic project is also recommended. His latest book came out in 2020: Salvation As a Mechanical Process: Do Christians Need to Believe that Jesus Died for Their Sins? Check it out by clicking here.

Monday with Jesus

Each Monday we send an email on the upcoming Gospel in the Revised Common Lectionary. It includes a link to a YouTube video with a telling and commentary by Tom on that scripture. You can check it out on our GoTellStory YouTube channel. If you want to be on the list, email Amelia.

And don’t forget…!

…to sign up for the virtual Festival Gathering of the Network of Biblical Storytellers. It’s happening early next month and not to be missed! Click here for more info and to register.