About the Author

Amelia Boomershine

May 2020

Telling and Teaching Online

We miss telling and teaching stories. So we are learning to use Zoom as a means of being together apart. This is our first attempt. Tom telling and answering questions about Jesus’ conversation with his disciples on his last night with them (John 14:1-14). If you follow the lectionary, it’s the Gospel for May 10.

To download the story in episodes and Tom’s written commentary on this story visit the story page on this site.

“Places” John 14:1-14

The back story to our teaching and telling debut… and more firsts

Telling of John 10:19-23 (“Behind Locked Doors”) begins about 2 minutes in.

This Facebook Live production was the first “Gospel Showcase” by Moore and Moore Ministries. Jacqui Hall-Moore (on the left) is Music Director at McKinley UMC, Dayton (OH) where I’m on staff. She had a last minute cancellation and asked if I could tell a biblical story. I jumped at the opportunity to try out this new venue for sharing the Gospel in these days of physical isolation.

After their opening welcome, I told a resurrection story from John near to my heart, that I call “Behind Locked Doors.” It’s about two minutes into the Showcase if you are interested in viewing.

I was pretty nervous about how it would be to tell a story on Zoom where basically I’m a talking head and have to remember to look up at the top of the computer for “eye contact” not at the screen where it seems like people are. No gestures, no moving around, all about voice and facial expression. And the close-up! Agh. Then there’s lighting, sound, and the space behind me. You should have seen me scurrying to straighten my bookshelves!

When I had an opportunity to check out the recording I decided it turned out well enough. Really, it’s about the story, which is so powerful, even if told by a talking head in digital space. And it was such a blessing to tell again. It gave me the confidence to try it out with Tom.

A Prayer for You

Just as Jesus breathed God’s Holy Spirit on his disciples, may you take a deep breath and be filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have been sent by Jesus to represent his interests in the world, may you find a safe way to do so. God bless you in these strange and unsettling days with comfort for the losses you suffer, company for the loneliness you experience, forgiveness for those who harm you, and energy to pursue what new opportunities for service, growth, and learning God may present to you. Amen.
