About the Author

Amelia Boomershine

January 2024

Covenant Renewal

In Methodist tradition, New Year’s is the occasion for a Covenant Renewal Service. This year New Year’s Eve fell on Sunday and Tom was asked to preach and lead a service of covenant renewal at our church (Grace United Methodist in Dayton, Ohio). Amelia told the story of the first recorded covenant renewal during the reign of young king Josiah, about 640 BCE (see 2 Chronicles 34).

Telling 2 Chronicles 34:29-33 at Grace United Methodist Church in Dayton, Ohio. Dec. 31, 2023
Photo by Elizabeth Sommers

Monday with Jesus

Each Monday we email a message with resources for the upcoming Sunday Gospel story as designated by the Revised Common Lectionary, including a link to a YouTube video of the story being told, followed by commentary. If you want to be on the elist to receive “Monday with Jesus” emails, send me a message: amelia@gotell.org. Our YouTube channel is GoTellStory.  

For coming months the videos date back to 2021 while the pandemic was still raging. The stories and commentary are up-to-date, even if some references to current events are not. For example, this video on the story of Jesus’ baptism in Mark mentions Tom finishing his book. That book has been published now for over two years!