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News: February 2015

02_Mk14_03-09LGSacred Stories

On Ash Wednesday our weekly program at the Montgomery County Jail (Dayton, OH) resumes after a six-week break. Sacred Stories is led by Amelia Boomershine (GoTell Director) assisted by a team of five women from Grace United Methodist Church.

Sacred Stories is a “Circle of the Word” program for engaging biblical stories with a child-like spirit of trust and wonder. Biblical stories have been a source of hope, courage, strength, and wisdom for many people in many times and places. They give spiritual power to those who engage them deeply.

In Sacred Stories classes each woman is honored as a beloved child of God. We learn, tell, and interact with biblical stories, and with each other, through a variety of activities. We get background info on the stories in their ancient context and we explore their connections to our lives now.

The series of stories for Lent and Easter are from the Gospel of Mark. They are probably the first stories ever told about Jesus:

  • Anointing by a woman and last supper with disciples
  • Arrest, trial, sentencing, and execution
  • Women who discovered resurrection at the tomb

For a list of the specific stories, click here.