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News: November 2014

11_joseph“Grace by Heart” Tells the Joseph Epic

The Sunday afternoon telling of the Joseph epic for the Dayton. Ohio community is a new venture for Grace by Heart. It coincides with the production of the musical “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” in Dayton. The Joseph telling was organized by Larry Ramey, GoTell Board member.

Grace by Heart is a group dedicated to learning and telling scripture by heart each and every Sunday in worship at Grace United Methodist Church in Dayton, Ohio. The group is led by Tom Boomershine, GoTell president.

Grace by Heart meets monthly to schedule tellings, practice stories, discuss scripture and share a meal. The ministry is made possible by the participation of Senior Pastor Rev. Sherry L. Gale, PhD who decides on scriptures well in advance and takes her turn in telling as well as preaching.

Top Ten Reasons for Storytelling the Bible in Worship 

Advent 2015 will mark the seventh anniversary of Grace by Heart. After seven years of telling scripture every Sunday for worship, the Grace Church community says “Amen” to these “Top Ten Reasons for Storytelling the Bible in Worship” from Tim Coombs’ blog (posted with permission).



Lectionary Commentaries on GoTell YouTube Channel

Part of learning a story for telling in worship (or elsewhere) is to understand the dynamics of its meaning in its original context and today. So the need for research. Do you prefer to use YouTube for research? GoTell is in the process of creating YouTube videos of Tom Boomershine’s commentaries on Gospel lections. Here is the video for Advent 1…