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News: August 2013

On the Road Again

From the coast of Scotland…


…to the Blue Ridge Mountains…


GoTell was busy teaching the past couple months in beautiful locations.


In July, Tom presented a paper at the International Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in St. Andrews, Scotland. The conference was excellent and, to everyone’s surprise, so was the weather! The Conference concluded with a Scottish treat in the St. Andrews Commons.

Icing on the cake was walking (not running) on the beach where the opening scene of “Chariots of Fire” was filmed, and golf on the Old Course where the game originated. Both the University and the Old Course are 600 years old. Impressive, but young in comparison to the oral scripture traditions of the Bible.

Download the paper Tom presented in PDF format here:
“Teaching Mark as Performance Literature: Early-Literate and Post-Literate Pedagogies”. You are welcome to copy and distribute this paper; please credit GoTell and encourage your contacts to visitwww.gotell.org

"She Gave All" by Cortney L. Haley for GoTell

“She Gave All” by Cortney L. Haley for GoTell

The Widow’s Offering: A Workshop Outline

by Amelia Boomershine

The story of the widow’s offering, otherwise known as the widow’s mite, was one of the three theme stories of the recent Festival Gathering of the Network of Biblical Storytellers. I taught this story in my two-session NBS 101 workshop, and used it as a model story for two other workshops about biblical storytelling in mission and ministry: “Beyond the Memory Verse” (Christian Education) and “Peacemaking Circles” (Jail/Prison Ministry). For an outline of the basic workshop download this PDF: Widow’s Offering Workshop. Questions about specific components? Send an inquiry to info@gotell.org

Storykeepers Program for K-2

As promised in July, here is an outline of a four-session program using four episodes of “The Storykeepers” video series. The 25-minute videos are very entertaining for children (and adults, too, for that matter). Each episode presents several Gospel stories along with church history and real life issues that many children face (like everybody being too busy to play). For previews and more info on the series, or to purchase, check out the Story Keepers website or contact GoTell.
To download the PDF program, click here…