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News: November 2012

"Outcast" by Cortney L. Haley for GoTell

“Outcast” by Cortney L. Haley for GoTell

Giving Thanks, A Sign of True Faithfulness

The story of the leper who thanked Jesus for healing him from leprosy would be a good one to learn and tell during this month when Americans celebrate the traditions of Thanksgiving. American or not, it’s a story well worth internalizing. Its connections to faithfulness, reconciliation, and the kingdom of God can broaden our perspective on the meaning and significance of Thanksgiving.

The faith of the Samaritan leper was demonstrated by his returning to give thanks. It is not unlike what often happened in the ancient Jerusalem temple when people offered thank offerings for a child, a recovery from sickness, or a successful harvest. The offering of thanks in this instance was the Samaritan coming back and giving thanks to Jesus.

This story from Luke 17: 11-19 is a sign, in the context of Jesus’ ministry, of the extension of the blessings of the kingdom of God to everyone. The clear implication in this story is that the blessings of the kingdom of God are offered to everyone in the world, including those who are our enemies. Whoever we would identify as an alien or enemy, whether personally or politically, is offered the blessings of the kingdom of God. Yes, Americans, even those who recently voted for the other guy are offered the blessings of the kingdom of God.

When Jesus asks, “Where are the other nine?” he’s not talking to the Samaritan leper, he’s talking to his audience. So when you tell the story, direct that question to your audience. They are invited to recognize, in the faithfulness of the Samaritan and his coming back to give thanks, the signs of true faithfulness, and thereby to transcend political, ethnic, or national identity as the criterion of community.

 More commentary on Luke 17:11-19 and tips for telling the story

Your turn:

What do you think about this story or the GoTell interpretation? Did you have an opportunity to tell it-what happened? Let us know…