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News: May 2012

Warm Welcome, Grace by Heart Members!

Our fearless group leader, Barbara Blacklock, sent out an “almost requirement” for all Grace by Heart members to read the GoTell commentary on scriptures they are preparing to tell in worship. If only we had a commentary on all the scriptures; alas, it’s mainly the Gospel lections. So if you have arrived at this web page thanks to Barbara’s strong encouragement, we at least wanted to have a warm welcome awaiting you, if not a commentary.

For those of you visiting this page who are not members of Grace by Heart, we hope their story will encourage you in your Sunday morning scripture telling or inspire you to explore the formation of such a group in your faith community if none exists. If you already have one, please let us know! Now here’s the Grace by Heart story:

In August of 2007, at the Festival Gathering of the Network of Biblical Storytellers, GoTell President Tom Boomershine advocated that every local church form a small group ministry for telling the scriptures by heart in Sunday morning worship instead of reading them. On the way home he realized he had never actually been part of such a group and thought, “hmmm…maybe I should see about doing that in my local church.”

So in September, after gaining the blessing and support of the senior pastor, Tom began a six-session course at Grace called “Biblical Storytelling for Spiritual Growth.” One of its stated goals was the formation of a “Scripture by Heart“ group. In Advent 2007, the practice of telling the scriptures by heart every week in worship began with six people who took turns with the upcoming “readings” of the common lectionary.

The scriptures have been told by heart at Grace ever since, every Sunday morning by individual or tandem tellers. On special occasions such as during Holy Week, Advent or when there’s a desire to hear a larger portion of Bible, the group joins together to tell in “mini epic” fashion.

The scriptures are told whether the form is story, epistle, psalm or law. Some are harder to internalize than others, but they all have great impact and benefit for both the teller and the congregation—when told from the heart.

How are the scriptures presented in your church?

The Event of the Year

August 8-11 at the Ridgecrest Conference Center near Asheville, NC

For GoTell, and for many others committed to biblical storytelling and Jesus’ way of peace, the annual Festival Gathering of the Network of Biblical Storytellers is the event of the year. Tom and I will each be leading workshops, connecting with old friends and making new ones—let us know you’re coming! We commend it to you as a richly rewarding experience.

N.Y. Times best-selling author Phyllis Tickle is the keynote speaker, new workshops abound, and there will be many opportunities for both listening to and telling biblical stories. The worship, fellowship, and beauty of the mountain-side setting are worth the price of admission alone.

Speaking of “admission” there is a substantial discount for early registration, but you’d have to act fast. Deadline is May 11, 2012.

CLICK HERE to register for the 2012 Festival Gathering of the Network of Biblical Storytellers.