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News: February 2016

Graphic for Luke 24:44-53 by Cortney Haley

Graphic for Luke 24:44-53 by Cortney Haley

A Blessing for Creating and Telling Stories

By Jim Cyr

God be in my head and in my heart.
God be in my stories and in my telling.
God be in my listeners and in their hearing.

Voice of the Almighty God
Awaken me.
Wisdom of the Ancient of Days
Enlighten me.
Truth of the Eternal Word
Illumine me.
Breath of the Holy Spirit
Fill me.

Christ be in my head and in my heart.
Christ be in my stories and in my telling.
Christ be in my listeners and in their hearing.

Myth of God
Whisper through me.
Story of God
Speak through me.
Epic of God
Proclaim through me.
Drama of God
Shout through me.

Spirit be in my head and in my heart.
Spirit be in my stories and be in my telling.
Spirit be in my listeners and in their hearing

Holy Trinity
Bless the story, its teller, and its hearer.

Jim Cyr is a versatile storyteller with a repertoire from a variety of story traditions, including stories of St. Francis of Assisi. In his own words, he tells “stories of healing, wisdom, and faith for your journey toward wholeness.” Jim is a graduate of the Master’s program of the Academy for Biblical Storytelling. He posted this blessing on the NBS Facebook group two years ago and gave GoTell permission to share it with our readers as well.