May 2021

This Changes Everything: The Peacebuilding Power of Scripture Telling

Tom and I were privileged to provide leadership for an amazing online event hosted by the Network of Biblical Storytellers Canada. As described on their site, “This Changes Everything online biblical storytelling Festival Gathering was framed in worship, prayer and song, anchored with incredible keynote presentations by the founder of the contemporary biblical storytelling movement [that would be Tom], led by a wide variety of highly skilled workshop leaders [one of which was me] in all areas of interest. It culminated in the infamous Epic Telling – a tag-team telling of much of the Gospel of Mark.” Under the leadership of Linnea Good, the vision and technical team for this event made it an amazing success. I only wish I had gotten the word out beforehand rather than afterwards. But even without any promotional help from me, the event was sold out.

2021 NBSI Festival Gathering

In an attempt to promote a great event BEFORE it takes place, let me announce the upcoming, August 6-7 online Festival Gathering of the Network of Biblical Storytellers, International. If you missed the Canadian event, here’s your chance to live deeply into the story and learn all about storytelling. If you didn’t miss the Canadian event, you know you thirst for more and you can get it here! For more info and to register, click here. For a 16 second overview of NBSI, watch this:

16 seconds on the Network of Biblical Storytellers, International

Second Chance Sunday

By presidential decree, April was Second Chance Month and April 25 at Grace UMC Dayton was Second Chance Sunday. We had a special worship service and “Lunch and Learn” focussed on the challenges faced by individuals returning to the community after a time of incarceration. Scriptures were told by restored citizens, prayers were offered by members of the H.O.P.E. ministry, and I preached on the theme “Battle Tested.” My colleague James Clay introduced a project to supply returning citizens with basic necessities during their first week out of prison in a “Battle Tested Bag.” Children’s ministry and biblical storytelling started me on the path that led to this extraordinary Sunday. You never know where biblical storytelling will take you or who you will meet when you get there. God is full of surprises.

On Second Chance Sunday, Jeff Carson told the story of Jesus Casting Out an Unclean Spirit from Mark 1. He is pictured here between myself and his wife. April 25, Grace United Methodist Church, Dayton, Ohio

Enjoy and Share the Story,