News: December 2008

Boston hosted the 2008 Society of Biblical Literature meeting

Boston hosted the 2008 Society of Biblical Literature meeting

25 years ago Tom founded the “Bible in Ancient and Modern Media” section of the Society of Biblical Literature which meets annually in mid-November, this year in Boston. The theme of the first session of BAAM was “Bible in Ancent and Modern Media Section after Twenty-Five Years.” Tom presented a paper outlining the history of BAAM and suggesting directions for future work.

After all panelists gave their papers, Tom was honored for his leadership role in the Society and was presented with a book published for the occasion entitled The Bible in Ancient and Modern Media: Story and Performance (edited by Holly Hearon and Philip Ruge-Jones). This book is the first in a series onbiblical performance criticism.

In his presentation Tom called for a new paradigm of biblical scholarship for post-literate, digital culture. At the core of this paradigm is the need to begin analysis of scripture by internalizing it. Exegetical process starts by learning the “text” by heart. Commentaries need to be developed out of this methodology to assist clergy and laity in their internalization process and ultimately in the performance of scripture in worship and other venues. Download text of Tom’s presentation.

Grace and peace,

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