News: December 2009


Goal Achieved! Thank you!!!

Many, many thanks to all of you who donated online and off to make it possible for us to achieve our financial goal of $9000.00 for GoTell’s biblical storytelling teaching mission to India. This funded the four of us traveling for a month to three major cities in different regions of the subcontinent as we present our various programs. In fact, you surpassed our goal by $200.00! Fr. Jose was pleased to receive extra funds in support of his newly opened IMPACT center for which our teaching tour was an initial project. A video of the dedication ceremony held on November 8, just a few days after our return, is the last entry of my GoTell India blog.

An Indian Story Journey

After what seemed like an interminable night flight home (we were, after all, flying around the world INTO the night), with additional flights on each end of the Delhi-Newark segment, we arrived home safe and sound. We were glad to be back, but hoped we would be able to return to this remarkable country with its rich, diverse, ancient, modern, creative culture.

This 4-minute video is a taste of our experience. You can also visit the GoTell India blog.

Friendly Neighborhood Mule Trainer who saved our necks on our carriage ride in the French Quarter!

Friendly Neighborhood Mule Trainer who saved our necks on our carriage ride in the French Quarter!

Presentation in New Orleans

We had barely unpacked from India before getting on a plane again to head for the Big Easy and the Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Tom presented a paper for the Mapping Memory group on “Memory and Manuscript in the Performance of Mark’s Passion and Resurrection Narrative.”

But before that day came, we drank coffee and feasted on beignets at the Cafe Du Monde. Then we crossed the seat to take a carriage ride around the French Quarter. That carriage ride turned out to be nearly as much of a thrill as driving in India.

When we got in the carriage our tour guide informed us that we would wait for the head mule trainer to come drive since our mule–Prime Time (alias “Midnight” as we later learned) was “green.” Yeah, well, “red hot” would be a better description.

Were we ever glad this friendly fellow relaxing with his cup of coffee before getting in the driver’s seat was an expert with panicky mules who decide they’d prefer any direction but straight forward. We had pedestrians plastered against store fronts pale with fear as Midnight reared and cavorted and then came sideways right next to us. Is it time to jump out, yet, I asked?

Have to admit, SBL papers never quite matched up to the excitement of that carriage ride.

Presentation in NYC


In late September Tom traveled to New York City to attend a conference at the school where he began his teaching career: New York Theological Seminary. Renewed connection with the seminary in recent years has been a joy and a privilege. Tom’s contribution to the conference was a presentation entitled, “The Bible in Digital Culture.”

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