News: January 2017

Improve Your Storytelling:
Performing An Hour-Long Concert

by Jason Chesnut

I hated prepping for this. “How can I tell stories for an entire hour?” I kept asking myself. But doing my assignment for the Academy for Biblical Storytelling was one of the best things I’ve accomplished. It challenged me to not just learn a story and let it go, but hold multiple stories in my heart at once. When it was over, I felt as though I had increased my storytelling skills in a way I couldn’t have imagined before.

This tip for improving your storytelling is reprinted with permission from “Scholarly Musings” published online by the Network of Biblical Storytellers. This month’s tip comes to you from Jason Chesnut—biblical storyteller, internet/video maestro, and ordained minister in the ELCA. Visit his online ministry: The Slate Project to view creative video tellings from “The Bible Unplugged.”

End of an Era

For the past ten years GoTell has been blessed by the creative genius and multi-faceted talents of Cortney Haley. Cortney has served GoTell in the capacity of consultant in everything from video production and website design, to basic administrative tasks that might not be so glamorous, but are nevertheless essential for keeping a non-profit like GoTell viable.

Cortney has decided to focus all her creative energy and talent on her own work now, so with our blessing and deep gratitude for all she has done, we say goodbye to her working relationship with GoTell. She has assured us we can call her for help with this and that, as many of her friends do, and we’re happy for an on-going friendship beyond GoTell. We look forward to seeing what direction Cortney’s gifts might take her in the future.

New Year, New Story

It’s been awhile since we created a story page for GoTell, but now there’s a new one up on our site to start the New Year.

We have Ross Coad to thank for this addition. He gave a donation to our Sponsor-a-Story campaign for the parable of the great feast from Luke. When we went to add our “sponsored by” note to that story page, we found we didn’t have one. Now we do.

If there’s a Gospel story you would like to see on our site which is not there, we take requests. Contact Amelia: We are especially motivated to get it done if your request is accompanied by a donation! See the sponsor-a-story link.

The new story page is on the story of Jesus’ “Parable of the Great Feast” from Luke 14:15-24. Telling and commentary are by Tom Boomershine, graphic by Laura Gottwald. You can visit by clicking here.

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