News: June 2015

06_stoneypoint1Biblical Storytelling as a Strategy for Peacemaking

At the end of May, Tom led a 3-day event at Stony Point Center in New York state. The topic was “Biblical Storytelling as a Strategy for Peacemaking.” The event followed a rhythm of biblical storytelling workshops alternating with lectures. Lecture topics were drawn from Tom’s book The Messiah of Peace.

06_stoneypoint2The event was sponsored by the new Center and Library for the Bible and Social Justice, located at Stony Point ( Norman Gottwald, (pictured here between his wife,
Laura, and Tom) founded the Center. Norman is author of The Tribes of Yahweh, past president of the Society
06_stoneypoint3of Biblical Literature, and Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at New York Theological Seminary.

Amelia helped facilitate the workshops, Circle of the Word style. We learned four stories from the Gospel of Mark: The Anointing, Peter’s Denial, The Pilate Trial, and The Resurrection. Talking pieces came from a Pennsylvania truck stop and the Stony Point gift shop. The red glass fruit accompanied a telling of the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden by Laura Gottwald.

“Circle of the Word” Resource Site

06_circlegraphicA website providing resources for leading “Circle of the Word” programs is now available at Circle of the Word is a biblical storytelling workshop structured by peacemaking circle processes.

The purpose of the site is to resource people who want to lead interactive spiritual empowerment programs with people who are incarcerated. However, while Circle of the Word was developed for detention settings, it would work well in any small group setting.


“One Story, Many Voices”

2015 Festival Gathering of Biblical Storytelling

This is THE international conference for biblical storytelling, taking place near Washington D.C. It features action-packed days of dynamic workshops for beginners through master storytellers, inspiring keynote presentations, world-class performances of both sacred and traditional storytelling, and the opportunity to immerse yourself in the Bible as story.
05_DrMarvinMcMickleDr. Marvin McMickle is the keynote speaker this year. Dr. McMickle is President of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School and Professor of Church Leadership. He is a member of the Martin Luther King, Jr. International Board of Preachers and has authored 14 books and numerous articles for professional journals and magazines.

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