News: March 2014

“Alive! The Easter Stories of the Four Gospels”

Stone Storytellers is a vibrant ministry of Stone Presbyterian Church in Clinton, New York which tells biblical stories in a variety of ways and venues. We pass on to you what they are doing this Lent/Easter season for your inspiration. Perhaps this year or another you might follow their example. Contact Rev. Dennis Dewey for details. If you live in upstate New York, treat yourself to one of the performances this Spring.

This year’s Epic Telling by Stone Storytellers is a program they’re calling, “Alive! The Easter Stories of the Four Gospels.” It will be presented at Stone at 7pm on Palm/Passion Sunday (April 13) and is being offered for presentation at other churches on the evenings of Sundays, May 4 & 18. The group is also planning to arrange a performance at one of the prisons or county jail sometime during the season of Easter.

Stories to be told include:

MARK 14, 15 (Passion Narrative)

MARK 16:1-8 (The Empty Tomb)

MATTHEW 28 (Empty Tomb & Great Commission)

LUKE 24 (Empty Tomb & Road to Emmaus)

JOHN 18:1-19:16 (Arrest and Trials of Jesus)

JOHN 19:17-42 (Crucifixion and Burial)

JOHN 20 (Empty Tomb and Doubting Thomas)

JOHN 21 (Breakfast by the Sea & “Feed My Sheep”)


Site Recommendation

03_DennisDeweyStoryteller_FG07GoTell recommends the site of Dennis Dewey. Dennis Dewey is internationally acclaimed as a master biblical storyteller. An ordained minister of the Presbyterian Church (USA), he has performed and taught at hundreds of venues all over the world.

Telling Mark 14-16 in Greek and English 

In mid-February Tom Boomershine, president of GoTell, told Mark 14-16 in English and Greek to an audience at United Theological Seminary. The telling was videotaped for future posting on the GoTell site to supplement his commentary on the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus according to Mark. The commentary is due for publication next November. This telling of the anointing of Jesus in Bethany (English version) is a sample of what is to come.

Tom is the founder of the Network of Biblical Storytellers and Professor Emeritus of New Testament at United Theological Seminary. He has told and taught biblical stories to communities around the world and is a leader in the development of a new paradigm for biblical interpretation in a world searching for peace.

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