News: November 2007

Signals gouache and watercolor Inspired by Matthew 24:36-44

gouache and watercolor
Inspired by Matthew 24:36-44

If only we were all fortunate enough to anticipate trouble ahead. We have all experienced the sky when it is threatening to release a storm—strange shadows, slanted light and wind racing across the land. In classical art, landscapes like this try to catch hold of the scale and power latent in God’s creation.

The first thing that’s new is this site. We’ve been so busy working on various projects including other people’s sites that we kept putting development of our own on the back burner. But enough excuses, we’re here and glad you came to visit.

This site is the beginning of what we intend to be a growing resource for people who want to deepen their spiritual experience, broaden their understanding of Jesus’ message, and preserve the global village. At its heart are supportive resources for learning and telling specific biblical stories. These will be accessed in two ways, by book of the Bible (“narratives”) and by lectionary text (“lections”).

Narrative Users: In this section of the site, storylearning resources will be accessed by books of the Bible. We’ll provide graphics, audio tellings and audio commentary for each biblical story. During 2007-2008 the narratives chosen will be from the Gospel lections. Starting in 2009 we will work our way through Mark, adding stories that were not covered by the three-year lectionary cycle. We will add pages for select Hebrew Bible (“Old Testament”) stories as well.

Lectionary Users: Lectionary texts will be added a month at a time, starting with Year A for Sunday, Dec. 2, 2007. We’ll provide graphics, audio tellings and audio commentary for each Gospel lection. We plan to work through Year A, B, and C by December 2008.

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