News: November 2013

"Catch Me" by Cortney L. Haley

“Catch Me” by Cortney L. Haley

“Joy and Healing”

Epic Ending to Pilot Program at Prison

On October 24 thirteen men in the Horizon Program at Chillicothe Correctional Institution received certificates of exemplary participation in a nine-week class called Biblical Storytelling 101. Each week featured a story from the Gospel of Mark, chapter one, starting with the words of Isaiah and ending with the healing of the leper. Click here for a breakdown of the stories.

The final class featured an epic telling of Mark 1 in which each man told their chosen part from memory. In fact, they told it twice: once, as translated “straight” from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, and a second time in “street language” featuring both African American and Latino styles. We all wished we could have recorded that telling—powerful!

The epic was an impressive group effort made possible by the commitment, diligence and cooperation of the men. It reflected the high quality of their class participation and their steadiness in attendance. Mark 1 includes the call story of Jesus’ first disciples. The men in Biblical Storytelling 101 embody the spirit of Simon, Andrew, James and John. One man spoke for us all: “It is a blessing to see how God’s Word brings us joy and healing.”

11_storyteller-doll“I will NEVER forget that story!”

It was music to my ears. Two of us had spent 75 minutes leading a biblical storytelling workshop at the jail with eight women. We taught the story of “Jesus Blesses Children” from Mark 10:13-16, using a variety of learning methods that took advantage of our multiple intelligences. So we drew the story, put illustrated episodes in order, acted it out, listened for meaningful words and phrases, repeated the sounds and movements, and connected it with our life stories.

Once everyone relaxed (which didn’t take too long), it felt like play. We used a figure of a traditional storyteller from the Southwest as our talking piece to facilitate sharing. We listened and spoke and considered; we laughed and cried. Besides experiencing the presence and activity of the Word, the bonus for me was the enthusiastic consensus of the women: “I will NEVER forget that story!”

Amelia Boomershine

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