April 2023

Happy Birthday, GoTell!

GoTell Communications was incorporated as a not for profit corporation on March 26, 1998. That makes us 25 years old! Ah, to be so young…

Telling Lazarus

Biblical stories, especially when internalized—that is learned by heart—have power. Biblical stories had the power to take Tom and me across the ocean to West Africa three times, twice to The Gambia and the last time to Cameroon. The first time was fifteen years ago this Spring. We were there as part of “Bible Week” celebration in Banjul, capital city of The Gambia. We went with a small team from the Network of Biblical Storytellers in March of 2008 led by Mrs. Juliana Rowe, who appears first in the video asking, “Why not come to the Gambia?”

While there, I had the honor of telling the story of Lazarus and preaching on it for worship in the historic Wesley Methodist Church. It was a highlight of my life, so for worship at our church on March 26 when the Gospel lesson was to be John 11, I volunteered to tell and preach on that story, as a way, you might say, of resurrecting the experience.

I located Bethany to one side of the telling space, and Galilee where Jesus is at the beginning, on the other. And to have Jesus sitting until he gets up to go back to Judea to “awaken” his friend Lazarus. Here I am in that part of the story, wearing a garment I brought back from The Gambia. Below that is the video from our trip in 2008 which was shown as part of the sermon.

Read more about biblical storytelling in The Gambia and our second trip there; and click here for info about Cameroon.

2023 NBSI Festival Gathering!!!

Join us for this amazing annual event of the Network of Biblical Storytellers International. We’ll be in Baltimore again this year at the Maritime Institute, August 2-4. You will be so blessed and we will be enriched by your participation. Our keynote speaker this year is Ray Aldred, ThD. Dr. Aldred is the Director of the Indigenous Studies Program at the Vancouver School of Theology and a status Cree Indian. Click here to register…

Monday with Jesus

Each Monday we email a message with resources for the upcoming Sunday Gospel story as designated by the Revised Common Lectionary, including a link to a YouTube video of the story being told, followed by casual Q&A commentary. If you want to be on the elist to receive “Monday with Jesus” emails, send me a message: amelia@gotell.org 

Here is the video for Sunday, April 9 (Easter Sunday)

Here is the video for Sunday, April 2 (Palm Sunday)