November 2020

A New Year

November 29, 2020 is the first Sunday in the season of Advent. Advent means “coming” and originally referred to the culmination of all things at Christ’s second coming. So it is fitting that the Gospel story for Sunday is Mark 13:24-37. This passage is sometimes called “The Little Apocolypse” (in contrast to the Book of Revelation) because Jesus reveals to a small group of his disciples “the last things,” the coming of the “Son of Man” or “The Human One.” Jesus describes a vision of the end of the age.

Monday with Jesus

For Christ the King Sunday, or any Sunday you want to preach on a profoundly significant story, here is a video telling and commentary on “The Last Judgment” which we produced for our “Monday with Jesus” email. The first one we’ve done since September…

Visit the GoTellStory YouTube channel

A Litany for Election Day and Beyond

Inspired by Isaiah 2:4, “the Wesley Bros” created this meaningful cartoon. It helped me face the election this year, quelling (to some extent) my anxiety about possible results. It continues to resonate in the on-going election turmoil. Even after that is resolved, it is just a really good reminder of our focus as Christians. I purchase this Wesley Bros creation, but you can use their creative work free for educational purposes, giving them proper credit of course. Visit the site:

“He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” Isaiah 2:4