June-July 2020

Telling the Story in Cameroon

George Vimensi Minang

The joy of being united with Jesus in the spirit and the hope of seeing him again in a little while is very reassuring.

George Vimensi Minang on the hearing of John 14:15-21

George Vimensi Minang emailed us in response to a weekly video GoTell sent out on the Gospel lection for May 17 (John 14:15-21). He told us he had used it for his daily devotion. We are humbled and honored.

Tom and I met Minang over ten years ago on a biblical storytelling mission trip to the Gambia in West Africa. Two years later he was our host in Cameroon. Despite dangerous civil unrest in his country between the French and English-speaking provinces (a legacy of colonialism), Minang has promoted biblical storytelling all this time in whatever means he could.

It’s always wonderful to hear from Minang, but especially in this time of pandemic–notice the mask in his hand. We are relieved to know he is okay and grateful that he is still able to promote biblical storytelling. Biblical storytelling is a much happier connection with the global community than a deadly virus. Here is an excerpt from his message to us describing his recent efforts:

I started the Biblical storytelling program over CBC Radio yesterday.
We had a power cut just at the beginning of the program but thank God
the power returned after ten minutes. However I still managed to
define biblical storytelling, gave the importance of it in our context
and told the story of Jesus raising the widows son from Luke 7:11-17in
English and Pidgin. The station manager was there to launch the
program himself.

Click here to visit our Cameroon page describing some of the activities Minang has sponsored in Cameroon…

“Because they were harassed and helpless”

Telling and Casual Commentary on Matthew 9:35-10:8

Last month, when we tried out a Zoom telling of the upcoming Gospel lection with Tom’s casual commentary we didn’t really have a plan to continue. I guess we have gotten used to not planning for the future, the future being so fuzzy, now even moreso with, as my pastor says, “a pandemic within a pandemic” (referencing the virus of racism alongside COVID19).

So far we have continued making these weekly Zoom-to-YouTube videos, though we haven’t met our goal of getting the video link sent out by Monday. Nor have we stayed under a 15-minute time limit. Those are the easy improvements; others people have suggested may be beyond our abilities. As long as we hear back from folk, as we did so wonderfully from Minang, I’m for continuing.

Telling and Casual Commentary by Tom Boomershine on Matthew 9:35-10:8

Tell the Story,